Sunday, April 28, 2013

It's a.......

It's a BOY!  
We found out on Wednesday that we are going to be the parents of a sweet baby boy!!  AJ and I both totally thought we were going to have a girl, so it came as a big surprise to find out that we are actually having a boy.   We couldn't be more happy!!!  The ultra sound was so surreal, we got to see him sucking his thumb, yawning, and moving his arms and legs.   As we were talking about him, he even turned towards the camera as if to be looking straight at us!  He is measuring to the day and looks PERFECT!  The reality of us actually having a baby is starting to set in and it brings my such  heart unspeakable joy!  Definitely looking forward to September!!

 17 weeks
 18 weeks
 19 weeks
20 weeks!

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Count Down

16 weeks and counting!  
I can't believe that we are already at 4 months! 

 12 weeks
 13 weeks
14 weeks
15 weeks
16 weeks.  Happy Easter!

 The bump has been a slow process.  My doctor told me to be careful what I wish I will continue to be patient.  I am feeling much better this trimester.  The evening sickness has seemed to disappear.  However, the tiredness seems to linger.  I am pretty sure I could take a nap every day if I could!!

April 24th is going to be a big day in the Taylor family!! We get to see our baby on the big screen and find out the sex, baby willing!!  Predictions anyone?!